I've been using TiddlyWiki (Classic) since 2009, and since 2018, I'm the maintainer of its core. I also created a bunch of extensions and a server for TWC, and this page is where I'm gathering those so that others can use them and contribute.
For those unfamiliar with TW, it is a personal hypertext app, most suitable for a personal knowledge database but also for other applications like todos management or notetaking (click for details).
Some of its pros are:- being Open Source, fully customizable, and having a rich extension ecosystem;
- being a small HTML file (hence easily backupped, synced, version controlled, published, or migrated);
- various built-in features like tags, lists and filters, search and references, etc.
- Basically, you own your data and can do whatever you want with it or its representation.
Some projects I've started or participated in:
- maintaining TW core (releases since 2.9.1),
- improving docs and simplifying contributing,
- improving dev infra like build tools, code linting, autotests, docs, CD, etc;
- building and updating infrastructure for users, like:
- reshaped translations,
- introduced extensions exploring and updating (indexing is in progress),
- revived TiddlyThemes collection and built a responsive theme,
- savers and servers like:
- MainTiddlyServer, a PHP script to save TW and do more;
- contributions to Timimi and others;
- various plugins, like:
- those listed in my collection, including ExtensionsExplorerPlugin, DarkModePlugin, JumpKeysPlugin, FancyBox2Plugin (image gallery), VisGraphPlugin, Markdeep, SharedTiddlersPlugin, TwFormulaPlugin, and many others,
- pre-releases like HandsontablePlugin, EncryptionPlugin (thread), ForEachTiddler + SetManagerPlugin.html.
- releasing most useful ones among non yet released (like AutoSuggestPlugin, CookTiddlerPlugin, SlideShowPlugin, ...);
- sharing experiments (like responsive TW, WISYWIG, ...) and other projects.
If you're interested in getting news about TW, subscribe to the Telegram channel and check out the community group.